12 Blog Goals of December


Goals Hand Lettered GraphicA while back I learned a method for setting goals that makes them much more effective. When setting goals you should make sure they fit the SMART criteria. So what are SMART goals?

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Timely

My overall goal is to improve my blog, but that’s easier said than done. How do I hope to achieve such a BIG goal like that? Rather than take it all in one piece, I am going to break it up by making smaller SMART goals that are all relevant to my overall focus. Breaking a big goal up like this will not only help you focus on what you want to achieve and how to get there, but achieving smaller goals will help show that you are making progress.

Obviously these are goals I hope to achieve by the end of the month, making my goal timely, but for the other criteria it gets more complicated. Breaking the goal up into smaller pieces makes it more specific. If your goal is to gain more followers, ask yourself how many more? That makes your goal measurable. I am shooting for attainable goals that are also a challenge for me, and relevant to my overall focus.


October Recap: What goals did I accomplish? What did I do to accomplish them?

October was my best blogging month so far in my blogging career. I made some goals and showed myself that I could absolutely crush them.

At the beginning of October I did a lot of things differently. I connected Twitter to my blog, so all of my blog posts were automatically Tweeted as soon as they were posted.

I also discovered Tweetdeck. Tweetdeck is a free tool that you can use to schedule Tweets. I used it to send out periodic posts sharing my blog posts. I found it super useful as I could have Tweets go out at times when I wouldn’t normally be online.

October Blog Goals

  1. Get 1860 monthly views on my blog. – I absolutely CRUSHED this goal. I wound up with 3100 views.
  2. Get 300 total followers on my blog – I did hit this goal.
  3. Get another review published in a literary magazine. — This didn’t happen, I did submit another review to be published along with some of my fiction. I only sent my review to magazines that paid, so I might want to get published in a few other unpaid magazines first.
  4. Get 520 Twitter followers. (@mankaa23) – I did hit this goal.
  5. Post 13 times for #Blogoween – I posted 9 blogoween prompts, I think that 13 was a little overly ambitious.
  6. Post 9 book reviews. – I posted 11 book reviews!
  7. Take 4 Instagram photos. – I took a ton of Instagram photos, I got a portable photo studio for my birthday, so I’ve been taking a lot of photos.
  8. Post 5 times a week. – I crushed this goal. I missed posting on only 5 days out of the whole month.
  9. Participate in 3 Twitter blog hour chats. – I didn’t participate in any blog hour chats, 3 seems a bit ambitious.
  10. Read and review 1 book that is an author request. — I didn’t wind up doing this.


November Recap: How not exceeding October hurt my self esteem and what I decided to do about it.

I never made any goals for November. Pretty quickly at the beginning of the month I could tell that I wasn’t going to top October. Blogoween did wonders for my stats, but afterwards there was a bit of a lull and I took it pretty hard. I felt like I failed because of the stats.

I felt like a failure.

At the end of November I realized that it was okay to not hit my goals every month, but I should still make them. Goals motivate me. I have read a lot of things that say writing something down makes you much more likely to accomplish it. I found that I love being able to check things off my list and I am much more motivated to work hard if I have goals.

From September to October I had a increase in page views. The first step to all of it was making some goals.

So how did I actually do in November?


In November I had 2489 Blog Views, which is a drop from October, but without having Blogoween, it’s not TOO bad.


Only 93 of my blog views came from Twitter though, which is very different than October. 25% of my Tweets generated a blog view, which is a dramatic drop from October, where 74% of my Tweets generated a blog view.

Stats for the last 3 months

What have I learned from my stats?

tweetdeck logoTweetdeck

When using Tweetdeck I have a 45% increase in Link Clicks/Tweet and a 51% increase in Blog views from Twitter/Tweet. Tweetdeck is an invaluable resource to me, it really helps my blog get more views. I thought it was semi helpful, but looking at my stats, it seems to make a huge difference.


Bookending Winter


When participating in events it really seems to give my stats a boost. I have a lot of fun participating in prompts and reading other people’s answers. Clearly they must like reading mine as well. I am going to participate in whatever challenges I can.


Having goals set really helps me figure out what I have to focus on. Even if I don’t accomplish everything, it really helps to know what I need to do


12 Blog Goals of December

  1. Get 3800 monthly views and 1300 unique visitors
  2. Complete Tidyathon tasks
  3. Participate in Christmas Readathon
  4. Do 7-10 posts for Bookending Winter
  5. Read 10 books
  6. Post twice weekly on Instagram
  7. Start using Tweetdeck again
  8. Make 1 new hand lettering design a week
  9. Get 400 blog followers
  10. Get 800 Twitter followers
  11. Get 680 Instagram followers
  12. Participate in one blog hour chat on Twitter.


41 thoughts on “12 Blog Goals of December

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  1. This is amazing and inspiring! As a new blogger I’m fascinated by this community and what everyone does. I am very impressed by your goals and also your honesty but there’s no way you “failed” in November! I also participated in Blogoween and it helped me too. I’m making all sorts of goals and plans for 2019 and I want to include some of the goals you listed for yourself. Anyway, fab post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s important to remind each other than when we don’t do amazing every month it doesn’t mean we have failed. It did hurt my self esteem, but this month I am using that as motivation to move forward.

      When making your goals you should use the SMART method. I read so many goals that are so vague, like I just saw ‘be more involved on social media’ on someone’s goal post. Like what does that mean? Are you getting more involved on Twitter, FB or Instagram? How much more do you want to be on social media?

      I also find that breaking up my long term goals into short term goals really help. In January I will make some yearly goals and then I will try and break it up into quarterly maybe.

      I worked hard on this post with all the graphics and everything, so thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is great feedback! SMART goals are essential otherwise nothing would ever get accomplished! It can turn “I wish I had more followers” to “let’s see what steps I can take to get more followers.” I do bullet journaling (you should look into it) which also helps immensely with accountability (I can be a tad lazy!). Anyway, fantastic post! I’d like to add it to my weekly wrap up!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aha I remember seeing that post! Isn’t bujo-ing the best? I wish I’d found it earlier in life! No I’d don’t usually post my bujo spreads – they’re very messy and colorful and I use a ton of stickers and washi tape! I’ve tried hand lettering and I just can’t make it look right! (I also haven’t practiced much!) 😝

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I know what you mean. I am super selective about what hand lettering stuff I share. I have started to use my lettering in graphics. Actually the graphic at the beginning of this post (the one that has a typewriter and says “Goals”) was my hand writing. I am pretty proud of my progress!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Trust me, so did I. I don’t believe in not sharing secrets like that! I originally thought that if I wanted to remove a background and vectorize an image that I needed photoshop. Very glad to learn that I could use a free program. I’m still learning the ins and outs of the program, but I love it so far. If you use it I would love to see anything that you make with it!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. this is awesome, congrats!
    – Tweetdeck: I use a similar platform Hootsuite. what I like is that I can schedule on 2 different platforms for free – twitter and facebook for instance.
    hootsuite is also awesome to follow the speed when I join twitter chat parties, that go insanely fast, for instance during Bout of Books.
    – Review in magazines that pay. Would you have a list of those? After 8 years of book blogging, I was finally paid for one in Criminal Element!
    – Yes, participating in blog events does increase a lot the traffic on your blog, for instance weekly memes, and giveaway hops – see mine on my homepage: https://wordsandpeace.com
    – You mention “blog hour chats”. Please, can you give me examples with hashtags? thanks!

    I noticed a major increase of traffic since I changed by wordpress theme – NB: I’m not self-hosted, and my theme is free! I wonder if the increase in views in due to the novelty of my theme, or to the fact that I chose a static homepage – then I manually update the icons there when I publish a relevant new post. It just takes a few extra seconds, but I think creates a nice and organized clean look. What do you think? In your experience, do you think the static seting could bring more traffic? I’m curious.

    Good luck for your December goals. I posted the books I plan to read this month: https://wordsandpeace.com/2018/12/04/the-top-8-books-to-read-in-december/
    I actualy just finished The Shadow Land, it was fantastic!


    1. I was going to use Hootsuite in the beginning, but I thought that you had to pay for it.

      Reviews in magazines that pay, try submittable for one thing, it’s an easy site to submit any freelance work to and there are a ton of literary magazines that are open to submissions. As far as other ones, I basically googled and have bookmarked a ton. They’re each really specific to the magazine and what they print, so you have to research. I do have a few links that have a bunch of sites though.

      As far as blog hour chats, this is something I found when I read someone else’s blog. But here are some hashtags for a few– #GRLPOWR @GRLPOWRCHAT
      @allthoseblogs #atbchat

      Double check the times though, because the first time I tried to do one the time was UK and I am in the US.

      I know that when people have to click off your home page to read a blog post that you will get a lot more views than if they don’t. So I think having a home page that’s set to only show a preview of your post is a really good idea.

      I’m going to check out your blog post about your Top 8 December reads.

      Thank you so much for all the feedback and thoughts!!


  3. That’s a really great achievement! I think even in November you did really well and that amount of traffic is always very impressive. I haven’t used Tweetdeck before but I may have to look into it as I’ve heard that it works wonders for many bloggers. Hope you reach your December goals!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. All the best for your December goals, I think writing down does help, and even if we don’t make them all it gives us a focus. I am working on being okay when I don’t make all my goals. That’s good for me!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Do you use it? I couldn’t believe how dramatic the difference was. I’m sure blogoween played a part, but the difference was incredible. I don’t always go to click on it, so instead of using Twitter in my browser I use Tweetdeck instead.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You are very organized. I love your goals and how they are laid out for everyone to see. My biggest goal for 2019 is to increase my followers. I have been struggling with that ever since I started. I have 19! Slow and steady wins the race I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Whew! Twitter! I have one, I just need to do more with it. I use IG more than Twitter. I need to switch that then maybe! Any good hashtags you can share?

        Liked by 1 person

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